Monday, April 18, 2011

Society has it wrong

Hello everyone and welcome to another ramble from the late night of Ellie. My three followers will be happy to read this, ha ha. I have been thinking a lot lately about love and what it means. It almost seems that in society (at least the one I grew up in) that finding a partner and falling in love is the only important thing you will do with your life. Most people take it as far as not being happy unless they have a partner even if they are unhappy in their relationship. What does it matter if you don't have a significant other? Don't get me wrong I loved being in a relationship and I think you learn a lot from being with another person and being able to share a part of you with them that no one else knows. There is something special about the comfort that brings, and I truely hope that I find that again one day. What I am saying is it is not mandatory for me to find that to be happy with where I am at in life or to make that decide if I feel complete or not. Love is a gift, it doesn't have to be with a significant other, love is in everything. You can love a friend, your children, your family, your pets. Love is very important it is the only thing you will take with you when you die. You wont take the person with you but you will leave behind the person you were and most of our decisions are based on love. So yes I do want a significant other, and yes it would be nice to have someone to rely on again. However that is not all I think about and I will be patient to find the right kind of partner, someone who will let me be myself and love me for that. Not criticize me for my dorkiness, I like to dance in grocery stores while I am picking out which cookies to buy thats me it makes life fun! I need someone who appreciates that, bonus would be someone who would join me. For now I find love in friendship, family and my children. I am a very blessed person I have a lot of wonderful people in my life who are true friends and would do anything for me. I only hope that I can live up to the person they think I am. Every single person in life deserves happiness. Yes even my ex deserves happiness and I hope he finds it. I may not say that every day but right now that is how I feel. I have a feeling good things are coming, even though when it rains it pours, and believe me it has been pouring in my life for quite some time. Eventually the sun comes out and brightens our day even if its one small thing at a time. Life is to short to live it sad and spend all of our time looking for a partner. Live in the moment have fun with life, love life! Today is a gift that we can not take for granted because we only have one chance to enjoy it. I was watching kung fu panda yesterday and it has a really cool saying in it, "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift thats why we call it the present" what a wise kung fu master turtle guy. I love childrens shows by the way, totally of the subject but thank you Merrick for giving me a great excuse to watch all the movies that I enjoy, they make for good times and giggle fights. Also a great friend of mine sariah came up with a new sport, it is now my favorite and I want to start a team. Tickle football! ha ha ha to much fun. Okay I am going now because I am starting to ramble with any nonsense that comes to my mind until next time. aaaachooo, I mean adu or something like that.


  1. You are my very favorite Jellie Bean! Sweet, Yummy, and makes me smile. Can I play on your team?

  2. Since I'm not ticklish, I'll just referee.

  3. Isaac you not being ticklish would make you an asset to the team welcome aboard but first you have to pass the tickle test which I will make up later
